Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 327

Chapter 327


Chapter 327: Theres Still Lin Miao


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Jies future father-in-law was clueless as to what his daughter saw in Lin Jie. She was determined to marry him, despite the fact that neither he nor his wife found Lin Jie, a notorious troublemaker, appealing.

Their daughter was so adamant about marrying Lin Jie that they reluctantly agreed to the union. However, now that the wedding was postponed, the father felt a sense of relief. He certainly had no intention of using his connections to help Lin Jie.

Dad, do you really not care about my life and death? I cant live without Lin Jie! his daughter pleaded.

Sweetheart, Lin Jie has assaulted someone. Cant you see reason? And do you even know who he assaulted? It was Su Shens father-in-law, he retorted.

Lin Jie was audacious enough to cause such a ruckus and remain arrogant after the incident, probably because he had his fiance, their daughter, as his trump card.

Their family did have connections in the police department, and those connections held high positions. However, precisely because of this, Lin Jies future father-in-law knew that Su Shen was not someone they could afford to offend.

Lin Jie was now taking advantage of his daughter, assuming that her family would eventually protect him for her sake.

But they had no desire to protect Lin Jie, even if they could afford to offend Su Shen.

They didnt want their daughter to marry a ticking time bomb like Lin Jie, nor did they want to clean up his mess for the rest of their lives.

Although Lin Jie was aware of this, his lack of proper education was a disadvantage. Having connections in his fiances family was one thing, but it mattered who those connections were.

Their connections would be fine for an ordinary person, but if the other party was Su Shen, Lin Jie would undoubtedly have to pay for his mistakes.

Outside the house, Lin Laoyao, accompanied by his mother and wife, had come to plead with Lin Jies future father-in-law.

However, Lin Jies fiance was inside the house, locked in a standoff with her father, oblivious to what was happening outside.

The family took the opportunity to dismiss Lin Laoyao, telling him, Our master and young lady are not at home. You should go back and deal with Lin Jies matter first. The wedding can be postponed.

After delivering the message, they promptly closed the door.

Lin Laoyaos wife was so furious that she almost fainted. You old hag, dont cause trouble at this critical moment. I wont take care of you, she scolded.

Lin Laoyaos mother, who usually didnt dare to confront her daughter-in-law, could only sit aside and catch her breath.

As for Lin Laoyao, he didnt react to his wifes scolding of his mother. He seemed to think it was justified and continued to worry about his sons situation.

After the commotion at the hospital, Lin Laoyao had a clear understanding of his elder brothers attitude.

His wife and mother also realized the seriousness of the situation. It was not a trivial matter.

Lin Laoer, influenced by his mother and daughter, was determined to sue Lin Jie. What could they do?

His wife, frantic and angry, yelled at Lin Laoyao, Lin Laoyao, I only have one son. He cant go to jail. You have to find a way to get him out, or I wont let you off!

Lin Laoyao was also anxious. He pushed his wife away and said, Stop yelling. Im trying to figure out a solution. Its late at night. Even if I have a solution, I cant use it now! I plan to go to the city early tomorrow morning to find Lin


Lin Laoyaos mother quickly agreed, Yes, we still have Lin Miao. After all, she grew up eating our Lin familys food. Now her biological parents are in the big courtyard, and they are said to be officials, they should help us a little, right?

Seeing her daughter-in-law being pushed away by Lin Laoyao, Lin Laoyaos mother felt a sense of satisfaction. She thought, This shrew, isnt she still controlled by my youngest son? So much for her arrogance!

When it came to the relationship with Lin Miao, Lin Laoyaos mother held her chin high, looking rather smug.

Lin Laoyaos thoughts were not as simple as his mothers. He didnt think Lin Miaos biological parents would be of much help.

But he didnt need them to do much. Lin Laoyao just thought that since Gu Zi came from the big courtyard in the city, and Lin Miaos biological parents were Gu Zits adoptive parents, they could go to the big courtyard and ask Gu Zits adoptive parents to intervene.

Being respectable people, the adoptive parents would certainly care about their reputation. They would undoubtedly join Lin Miao in persuading Gu Zi and his elder brother and sister-in-law to settle the matter privately, so as not to bring it to court and cause embarrassment for everyone..

